Wednesday 30 May 2012

I hear winter singing to me 'Your body is here with me, but your mind is on the other side of town. You're messing me around..' lol


Let me not bore you with what happens from 4am when I wake up to 6:40 when I get off the bus and just simply start the daily routine where the excitement begins. I get off the bus and take a little walk to Fournos in Dunkeld to enjoy the freshness of everything they have there, from their welcoming staff members, to the amazing croissants and their cappuccino. I love hanging there, it allows me to breathe, and hear myself think. Thanking God for watching over us on the road, appreciating that he’s assured me employment and just enjoying that moment with him. I then take another little walk to work, passing by the BP garage to find wisdom. They always have these amazing quotations. Its two a day, sometimes I am too early and they haven’t been to their ‘wisdom board’ to write then I feel like going back to Fournos to sit a while longer (any excuse to eat more of those amazing croissants) but then reality whispers 'you need to be at work'. Everyday I promise to get you that wisdom/a laugh by sharing what I’ve read and please understand why when a day passes and you haven’t heard from me..Love you dearly!

THE WORD TODAY...31/05/12



Tuesday 29 May 2012

'...that's why I don't have a sad story..'

He’s an AWESOME FATHER, a PROVIDER, a SHELTER, a KEEPER, a REFUGE, he’s everything we need! Whatever we need he is! My little sister started a fire at home last week and all was lost… No one was hurt though, thank GOD! I was wondering if I should share this with you but thought if I don’t you will never know what God has done for me and you will never know how great he's been in my life. You see with all that happened I know that he didn’t bring this physical hurricane but he allowed it and all for good reasons. To me this is not a loss. With 'everything' lost, I’ve got Jesus by my side and that’s enough to start over J Hi everyone, it’s been a while. I’ve been trying to find myself after this whole incident which shook us a little but while in search God revealed this video below which really healed me. Thank you Lord! :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Friday 11 May 2012

A few of many blogs I heart..You'll see Y

So yes we speak fashion once again, I mean what else? If there’s anyone to blame for this fuss, it would be my mother. God was she such a fashionista! I wish I could share some of her pics with you guys…I’ll see what I can do though. If there’s anyone else you would charge for my fashion addiction? I’ve got them down here with links to their blogs, listed in no particular order. Please don't let me choose; it’s such a thick book of amazing ladies and this is just the first page. You won’t be disappointed! J

Thithi Ntetha

The love I have for her - Lufuno Claire Sathekge

My Damn Blog

Oh how I miss my friend Nkgabiseng Motau

I bet you enjoyed that :)
Oh I can’t believe it’s yet another Friday…time flies when you are having fun hey? I have been assigned to this new project at work so it’s been taking all the time I have. I am finding myself leaving the house at 5:30 am and being back around 8:30 pm to have my first meal then... I haven’t had a moment to even think about the blog which becomes a problem...right now though I am more concerned about time with my creator which has become so less.  I see it going lesser and lesser and that has been rather worrying.
Isn’t it concerning how we get so caught up with work and other things of this world that our time with God gets sooo limited? As a born Christian that’s one of my main concerns and since I am growing into this life, part of the reason this blog exists is that I am hoping to locate other Christians who I can share with to help cultivate even more. You don’t have to be a Christian though to add your input. Everyone is more than welcome. So guys, with all that’s been happening, whenever I get that quiet time, I just offer to God. I am praying that he grants me more and I know he will. Look out for the 'word' :)


 Mr Price  for R40 

:Recent activity? Re: I cut my hair...

You like?

Thursday 3 May 2012


The reason I am only posting this today is because we had such a lovely looooong weekend in SA. One that everyone hopes for every week. Agree? Ha! See how I just know what everyone likes and doesn’t like…not always though. What I don’t know and would love to is what you think of the looks I put together the past weekend?  A friend and I went to a building in Soweto which used to be known as EYETHU cinema (the term eyethu meaning it’s ours) which now looks so abandoned but not so…we learned that every once in a while artists make a stop there to express their talents hence you will find in the pics some graphitii. To be honest I’ve never really paid that much attention to such graphics, never even shared any interest until now. I must say that they came in pretty handy as our background.  Please share with me what it reads if you can read any of them…and if there are any offences, please don’t hold me liable for any, I am just a model, atleast felt like one. I mean let’s be realistic. People have used the ‘language’ in an unpleasant way…but that’s just another for another. Today I really just wanted to share these pics with you and you are more than welcome to tell me what you think. Nice if nice, pretty if pretty, amazing if amazing. I am hoping for amazing but if that’s not the case yet, I’ll get there someday ha ha. I recently bought the hat below but it’s been a while since I’ve done some real shopping that explains the vintage clothing I got from my late moms wardrobe. I am enjoying them though, they remind me of her, seeing myself in them kinda makes me see her in me. The poses, facial expressions and maybe more which is not so bad because mommy was a real beauty J

I got this from Woolies, check for their latest :)
I always get the coolest hats for winter which I will share with you soon

On our way there, we went past the horse stable in Soweto which you can read more about here
We decided to stop and take a pic to show you my print on print look, tell me what you think? 


I tried to look through the glasses to find meaning :)

I dig

Just in case you're wondering? I got the shoes from Mr Price.
Check their site for more, they've got a lot of great and sooo affordable staff.
Trust me they know you are not made out of money :)