Thursday 26 April 2012

It's raining dots..In a doty world

It’s always overwhelming to be recognized and acknowledged for a job well done even if it’s just a compliment on putting together a beautiful outfit or purchasing that beautiful dress. I put together a polka dot look which a friend admired and went as far as featuring it in her blog. That for me is awesome! My day is made. Thanks Emma J
I then thought I should look up more dots for both you and I (Source: Google images). Just so we can take pleasure in them, and know how to dress them. I must say, I had doubts when I wore mine but for it to get that much compliments. One word…Jazz
Now on a more profound note. Always remember to acknowledge the good people do. Garments aside…WOW did I just say clothes aside? ‘Who would have thought? Ha ha I think by now you’ve noticed that I adore fashion. Pheew one down! There’s more *wink*

Me :)

I would love to own a polka dot dress
I would love to own a polka dot 'everything 


I see myself in this
Blue jeans folded a bit, the jersey, white heels? hmmm 

This is sooo me :)

Will bring you more soon. Promise! Promise!
Ta for now :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012


This morning I could smell a delicious meal from just thinking about Karla so I thought I’d go there for breakfast and indeed she served a great meal, getting me eager for lunch and supper... Her blog is such a treat. Speaking of a treat there are so many others on the list I could mention but I feel I have to properly introduce them to you.
Been doing some research for a while now, checking out these blogs, and writing down ideas, learning, and exploring some more. I think today I can tell exactly how I want my blog to be hence it is only today that it comes to live. One of the factors that have been delaying is that I want everything to be perfect at a go. Perfect camera which equals perfect pictures, ‘perfect people’ to feature, perfect outfits to photograph in, perfect introduction, yes perfect everything but this morning when I went through Karla’s blog I learned that when she started out, it wasn’t all sweets in an instant. It developed and she also grew as the clock kept ticking and today it is amazing. I mean she is amazing!
We all start somewhere right? It doesn’t matter where you start or how small you start, the key is that you START, which reminds me of something Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said that is ‘whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!’  It matters not what project you start just GET ON WITH IT ALREADY! So as for me I have finally made this appointment after a lot of procrastinating. I finally have a blog of my own. My self-written memoir. Black Tea is still part of me though…Click on the link to be acquainted with what I am talking about. So old friends, new friends, fans, associate and God knows what else you’ll become. I welcome you all and would really appreciate your feedback, see weather or not we...I meant I am doing. Meaning that you constantly have to come back to see. Now below I chose a few pics from Karla’s blog just so you can see why I heart her so much. I have only chosen 7 looks for the week in that very particular order. Well that was the initial plan but... Ngwana o na le style! Enjoy!